How could we make reporting seuxal violence non-traumatizing?

How could we make reporting seuxal violence non-traumatizing?

How could we make reporting seuxal violence non-traumatizing?

Project Duration:

Project Duration:

Project Duration:

11 weeks

11 weeks

11 weeks




Solo Project

Solo Project




User Research

Product Design

User Research

Product Design

User Research

Product Design




Contextual Inquiry

User Testing

User Interface Design


Contextual Inquiry

User Testing

UI Design


Contextual Inquiry

User Testing

User Interface Design


The Problem

The Problem

The Problem

Over 50% of girls 15 to 19 years old experience sexual harrassment or seuxal assault during their life, yet only 2% of the prepertrator are convicted.

Over 50% of girls 15 to 19 years old experience sexual harrassment or seuxal assault during their life, yet only 2% of the prepertrator are convicted.

How might we guide young girls through post-incidence to increase convitction rate?

How might we guide young girls through post-incidence to increase convitction rate?

How might we guide young girls through post-incidence to increase convitction rate?

Trend Research

Trend Research

Trend Research

50% +

women experience sexual violence involving physcial contact in their lifetime

Girls 16 to 19 years old are


more likely to be victims of sexual assault than the general population


sexual violence crime are convicted

Competitor Analysis

Forensic medical exam, or better known as rape kit, only addresses a small portion of sexual violence and have many limitations, incuding time and access.

Forensic medical exam, or better known as rape kit, only addresses a small portion of sexual violence and have many limitations, incuding time and access.

There is gap in terms of an unobtrusive manner of gathering evidence pertinent to sexual violence.

There is gap in terms of an unobtrusive manner of gathering evidence pertinent to sexual violence.

Development Work

One of the biggest challenge during my concept development was the look and feel of the brand.

One of the biggest challenge during my concept development was the look and feel of the brand.

Making the user feel safe, comfortable, and trusted are some of the core focus of the brand. Therefore, I tested different color and styles on each element of the brand.

Making the user feel safe, comfortable, and trusted are some of the core focus of the brand. Therefore, I tested different color and styles on each element of the brand.

Since the start, I struggled to make the brand for approachable but sensible. After some experience and looking at the industry, I realized character or a moscot brings the an inhuman object alive.

Since the start, I struggled to make the brand for approachable but sensible. After some experience and looking at the industry, I realized character or a moscot brings the an inhuman object alive.

I tested the hypothesis with the users and comparing to the branding without the moscat, the users' body language suddenly changed. The user became more relaxed and excited talking about the concept.

I tested the hypothesis with the users and comparing to the branding without the moscat, the users' body language suddenly changed. The user became more relaxed and excited talking about the concept.

User Testing

Typing large paragraph on the phone sucks.

Typing large paragraph on the phone sucks.

It is overwhelming, hard to keep track of places, so I conducted A/B testing with the users and make iterations based on the feedback.

It is overwhelming, hard to keep track of places, so I conducted A/B testing with the users and make iterations based on the feedback.


Brand Color





Capsule 2


Created Mar 24, 2024

Status: Ongoing



This typeface is used for small titles and body copy

Real Madrid 2009

This Typeface is used for display

WRITING an effective statement

The users are prompted to write a complete and appealing statement that is true to themselves.

Text input UI Comparason

Given the phone is not the best median to type long paragraph, Capsule uses different style of text input UI to not overwhelm the user

Word Length Text Answers

Paragraph Answer Prompt

Paragraph Answer

Sentence Answer for dragging

How does it work?


Step 1

Pick up or get the bags shipped to you

Step 2

Record the evidence

Step 3

Ship or drop off the sealed bags




I hope to make a difference

I hope to make a difference

I hope to make a difference

This has been a deeply person project for me. It was a lot of struggle trying to make sense of everything in sexual violence prosecution but hearing the feedback from other female friends makes it so worth it. There are much to improve on the concept. I made some compromise due to the app being on mobile, and I believe they are the right choice. However, I wish I could have done more rounds of testing to valide each design decision.

This has been a deeply person project for me. It was a lot of struggle trying to make sense of everything in sexual violence prosecution but hearing the feedback from other female friends makes it so worth it. There are much to improve on the concept. I made some compromise due to the app being on mobile, and I believe they are the right choice. However, I wish I could have done more rounds of testing to valide each design decision.

Next Step

Next Step

Next Step

I plan to get feedback from everyone that I originally interviewed and further improve on the concept. I'd also like to form formal partnerships to develop the app.

I plan to get feedback from everyone that I originally interviewed and further improve on the concept. I'd also like to form formal partnerships to develop the app.




Reach out to me at if you are interested in learning more about the project and collabrate on it.

Reach out to me at if you are interested in learning more about the project and collabrate on it.